If you want to drastically increase your project team’s output and efficiency, use applied innovation. With the structured session that applies and innovation to project management, you’ll see multiple simultaneous benefits:

  • Your project runs more smoothly because the project planning meetings are better meetings. They’re more on track, more efficient, and real problems get solved.

  • When problems crop up, we use proven problem-solving. Real innovation is unleashed, resulting in better solutions sooner.

  • For post-mortems and debriefings, better group dynamics training provides a safe way to look at what really happened without blame or recrimination—but with something better—a dialogue on what to do differently next time. Rather than shy away from what went wrong, the group has a safe way to dive right in where the real meat is, resulting in real and continuous improvement.

This is not a replacement for PRINCE2 or ISO 9000. (Yes, that sentence is an example of clear market positioning.) Rather, it works really well with project management.

Site copyright © 2003-2008 David Moloney