This site is a collection of thoughts and information about how applied innovation can create breakthrough results.

Structured innovation isn’t an oxymoron. Also known as results-oriented innovation, it’s a systematic tried-and-true process based on empirical observations of group dynamics over the last 50 years.


In the 1950s, the invention design group at Arthur D. Little were intrigued that some days they had great innovations, and on other days, ideas were sabotaged and meetings were difficult and unproductive. They studied themselves, and gained enormous insights into human nature and group dynamics. They discovered what worked and what didn’t, and they used an iterative process to keep what worked and stop what didn’t. They systematically refined their knowledge until they had a great process. The result is a highly distilled and practical method for innovation and improved group output.

The method removes the common group/team issues that cause problems and consume time, so creativity is unleashed. Unlike traditional brainstorming, there is a second step that brings the blue sky ideas back to earth. This comes from its origins in invention, where a strong process was required for ideas to get all the way to implementation and the marketplace. (A number of innovation companies were founded based on this science.)


The results are simply spectacular:

  • For strategic marketing and positioning, business development, or web and print design, a structured session will remove the common group issues that cause problems and consume time. The group focuses on the agenda while actually increasing the quality of the output. Twice the output. Half the time.

  • For project management and IT consulting, removing group issues lead to real answers. Post-mortems change from bitch sessions to productive meetings with tangible results. Continuous improvement becomes a reality, not a catchphrase. When there are problems to solve, the blue sky ideas come back to earth, with a process that makes them tangible and effective. Problem solved.

Using these techniques with teams that meet for any reason increases effectiveness and group output. These aren’t loosey goosey feel-good exercises. They take your real problems of the day and get your team to solve them. With instant success, the team becomes energised and productive. They develop common understandings and confidence. They leave excited about using their new skills for even more win-win results. Energised teams get things done.

Site copyright © 2003-2017 David Moloney