Even the most serious amongst us needs to have fun.

This page will not house a collection of computer games; rather fun and funny images and links, mostly to do with marketing and innovation.

I have a long list of funny marketing positioning statements (good and bad), examples of design (also good and bad), and tricks that help you break out of the box and do some innovative thinking.

Web humour

My favourite “page not found” error message. I love parodies. Remember, it’s a “Page not Found” message.

Word games

When I moved to San Francisco in 1996 to be part of the first interet boom and bust, I remember emailing a guy at Wired magazine and asking him about a term he had defined in an issue that I couldn’t put my hands on. I was working for an Internet start-up, and we were private-labeling the Netscape browser. The term of course was:

throbber Animated icons that are used to replace the “meteor shower” icon in Netscape Navigator. Taken from the nickname given to the original Netscape logo, which appeared to throb during document transfers.

Yes, Gareth emailed me back with his answer. One of the things I always loved about his column were the examples. Here’s one that appeared in September 1994:

Webmaster The name given to the person in charge of administrating a World Wide Web site.

It’s hard to imagine now that there was a time when that was a new term requiring a definition.

Correlation does not imply causation

My friend Tom Keenan writes “Tyler Vigen has made a hobby out of discovering apparently crazy correlations. On his website, he explains how the divorce rate in Maine correlates with U.S. consumption of margarine. He also cites the strong statistical relationship between how much cheese Americans eat and the number who die each year by becoming entangled in their bedsheets.

“In his recent book, Spurious Correlations, Vigen suggests that ‘It could be that melted cheese clogs airways. Or it could be that cheese causes night terrors. Or it could be that the correlation is totally spurious and accountable to chance. Almost certainly it is the latter.’ ”


An oft-forwarded email explains that the challenge is to “add, delete, or change one letter” to create a new word with a new meaning. (Observant readers will notice that some on this list change more than one letter—they’re still interesting.)

There is no such thing as the “Washington Post Mensa Invitational”. A few of these words appeared in a Washington Post Style Invitational back in 2 August 1998. Naturally, people have added to this list over the years; some of these entries come from various Internet searches.

Despite the Mensa urban myth, there’s no denying the value of this kind of mental exercise.

From the Washington Post Style Invitational 2 August 1998
(fifth runner up)
any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid (Greg Oetjen, Lorton)
(fourth runner up)
the musical moment produced when someone serially slaps the faces of the first-violin section (Jean Sorensen, Herndon)
(third runner up)
a lecherous Mr. Potato Head (Chuck Smith, Woodbridge)
(second runner up)
a spirit that decides to haunt someplace stupid, such as your septic tank (David Genser, Arlington)
(first runner up)
vandalism spray-painted very, very high, such as the famous “Surrender Dorothy” on the Beltway overpass (Robin D. Grove, Arlington)
(the winner)
the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn’t get it (Tom Witte, Gaithersburg)
Gareth could have entered the contest himself:
vubicle the much coveted office cubicle with a window (from Wired magazine)
And more...
acme a generic skin disease
arachnoleptic fit the frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web
beelzebug Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out
bozone the substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating; the bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future
burniture chairs you get from a fire sale
calebration festivities begun upon learning that all your lab instruments are finally reading correctly
cashtration the act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period
caterpallor the color you turn after finding half of a worm in the fruit you're eating
celebation party at a monastery or convent
decafalon the grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you
deifenestration to throw all talk of God out the window
DIOS the one true operating system
discomboobulated to be confused and stupid, simultaneously
Dopeler effect the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly
glibido all talk and no action
Goodzilla a giant lizard that puts out forest fires by stamping on them
Guillozine a magazine for executioners
hipatitis terminal coolness
ignoranus a person who is both stupid and an asshole
inoculatte to take coffee intravenously when you are running late
intaxication euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with
jobstacle anything that prevents you from doing your work
karmageddon it’s like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right, and then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer
loanation* money given, typically to a close relative, which the provider considers a loan and which the recipient considers a donation (from investorwords.com’s funny definitions)
meanderthals a group of people meandering obliviously in your path who are impossible to get by without walking in the street
orcanization union of killer whales
osteopornosis a degenerate disease
puntuate flavoring a speech with this low form of humor: the pun
reintarnation coming back to life as a hillbilly
sesquipedaliac one who is fanatic about using long words, or an individual whose verbal communication paradigm obsessively accentuates polysyllabic words
synapple a perfect beverage to accompany brain food
top prayority whatever you ask God for first
vaseball a game of catch played by children in the living room
upgrage* the uncontrollable anger which occurs whenever a software upgrade deemed to be either essential or beneficial proves to be a pointless waste of your time, or a quick way to cripple your outmoded computer (read the article by Tim Dowling of the Guardian newspaper)
whitetater a political hot potato
*new item  
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