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Bill Cope’s
Solution Sessions
Breakthrough solutions to
burning problems & opportunities
The major capital of this century is going to be minds that generate ideas.

Alan Greenspan, former Chairman
US Federal Reserve Board

“No Problem Is Impossible
If The Right People Go At It
The Right Way”

When do burning problems have
extreme-yield solutions?

Click for Bill's contact information

Free Pre-Planning
with Bill by Phone

Bill will help you crystallize your goals, give you surprises about who should be included, confirm gains, and recommend types of facilities for your sessions.

Call him. All his contact information is here.

Our sessions with Bill
have an ROI of 50-500x.

John A. Dougherty, MBA, CPA
Founder, Dougherty & Assoc, LLC

Bill’s sessions helped us solve a significant growth challenge by capitalizing and directing the unique creativity that dwells within each of us toward a great business solution.

Roger Thompson,
V.P. Business Planning & Information
Darden Restaurants Inc.

Bill’s typical sessions yield $10 million to $100 million in gains.

He only accepts assignments where the expected return is over 50 fold on all costs including his fees, participant labor, facility costs, lodging & meals, and travel.

In a world where 1.5x or 2x ROI is considered good,
50x startles most executives. Yet it’s what Bill has consistently achieved in hundreds of organizations.

To get those gains, all these things need to be right...

  1. Right facilitator
  2. Right problem or opportunity focus
  3. Right group of minds
  4. Right setting and ambiance
  5. Right number of days
  6. Right processes
  7. Right idea generation
  8. Right transforming ideas into breakthroughs
  9. Right consensus
  10. Right commitment & action plan

If #1 above is right, all the rest follow. In your first phone discussions with Bill, you’ll have the (often surprising) answers to #2-5, at no fee.

The rest emerges in the Solution Sessions—yes, all the way to commitment & action plans.

For example, you may be surprised to find that the right group of minds is as few as 7 of your key people where each brings multiple perspectives to the session. Some may be chosen from other departments, or even be retired.

Also Revealing

Who are the two best solution facilitators in the world?

What your participants see, hear, feel, and think in a Solution Session.

Copyright © 2008 Bill Cope. All rights reserved.
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