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Bill Cope’s
Solution Sessions
Breakthrough solutions to
burning problems & opportunities

To Contact Bill

Bill assisted us in developing and assessing business alternatives for one of our products. He has a great ability to help a team define, access, and come to agreement quickly and with unity.

Chris Lumb, P Eng.
President & CEO


A lot can be accomplished
in a first phone call.

Indeed feel free to call to explore whether Solution Sessions are right for your situation, and whether now or later is the right time.

Bill will help you crystallize your goals, give you surprises about who should be included, confirm gains, and recommend types of facilities for your sessions.

Of course, everything discussed will be treated as confidential.

Bill Cope
Solution Sessions
3442 Manilla Drive, Pine Island
Spring Hill, FL 34607-1015


Copyright © 2008 Bill Cope. All rights reserved.
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