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Bill Cope’s
Solution Sessions
Breakthrough solutions to
burning problems & opportunities

What’s Your Best Next Step?

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Free Pre-Planning
with Bill by Phone

Bill will help you crystallize your goals, give you surprises about who should be included, confirm gains, and recommend types of facilities for your sessions.

Call him. All his contact information is here.

Amazingly, all the new ideas came from us, using the new concepts, principles and processes that Bill delivered.

John A. Dougherty, MBA, CPA
Founder, Dougherty & Assoc, LLC

Why let your people stay stuck,
and your problem smolder?

After all, a breakthrough worth $5,000,000/yr in profit is an opportunity cost of some $100,000 for every week you delay the gains by delaying the breakthrough.

Call Bill and immediately by phone he’ll help you crystallize your goals, give you some surprises about who should be included, confirm gains, and recommend types of facilities for your sessions.

Indeed, you’ll have begun to pre-plan your session with him, at no fee.

All his contact information is here.

Copyright © 2008 Bill Cope. All rights reserved.
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