Rich Rogue Arts

Beg, Borrow, and Steal—Workshops

Bring musical history to life

The Beggar’s Opera’s rich history provides a wealth of material for academics, historians, and theatre buffs.

The Artistic Team behind Beg, Borrow and Steal are all accomplished teachers, and can augment your own lectures with discussions and exercises.

Some of our workshops culminate with a production of Beg, Borrow and Steal, featuring the music of, Kurt Weill and Bertold Brecht, Benjamin Britten, Duke Ellington, Richard Bonynge, and Richard Link.

Vocal Master Class: The Musical and Dramatic Possibilities of The Beggar’s Opera

This vocal master class explores the music and lyrics of The Beggar’s Opera and looks at appropriate stylistic choices. We will look at the relationship between the music and text and the techniques required to make individual interpretations. Each student will have the opportunity to perform and be coached on a song from The Beggar’s Opera.

Vocal Master Class: From John Gay to Jason Robert Brown

This vocal master class delves into the wide spectrum of musical theatre from its generally accepted “beginning” with The Beggar’s Opera to its latest incarnations through the work of contemporary composers such as Jason Robert Brown, John La Chuisa and Elton John. We will look at vocal technique as well as stylistic choices. Each student should bring two songs—one “old” and one “new”—and will have the opportunity to perform and be coached on at least one of them.

Vocal Master Class: The Musical Legacy of The Beggar’s Opera

The Beggar’s Opera has inspired many musicals: The Threepenny Opera, The Beggar’s Holiday, Cabaret and Chicago to name a few. This vocal master class explores the musical and dramatic possibilities and challenges presented by these works. Each student will bring at least one piece from an appropriate musical and will have the opportunity to perform and be coached.

Vocal Class: Songs from The Beggar’s Opera and The Threepenny Opera

Through group singing we will visit the musical worlds of The Beggar’s Opera and The Threepenny Opera. Beginning one to a part and increasing the number of parts throughout the session. Learning to listen and blend is an important tool for any performer.

Drama Workshop: Creating new works

In today’s competitive climate often the only way to &ldsquo;get work” is to create your own. We will discuss the creation of Beg, Borrow and Steal and use this to explore the process of creating new work.

This workshop will guide students through this process and give hints and tips on starting their own project.

Movement workshop: Dance styles of The Beggar’s Opera

This movement workshop will explore the dances, physicality and gesture that would have been used during the initial run of The Beggar’s Opera.

General Information

All these workshops can be tailored to your requirements. Depending, for example, on class size or time available which could be full day, half day or part of a longer project culminating in performances.

As a team, Rich Rogue Arts is a self-contained unit: we can lecture, perform and provide piano accompaniment.