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Bill Cope’s
Solution Sessions
Breakthrough solutions to
burning problems & opportunities



Who Are the Two
Best Solution Facilitators
in the World?

What’s At Stake

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Free Pre-Planning
with Bill by Phone

Bill will help you crystallize your goals, give you surprises about who should be included, confirm gains, and recommend types of facilities for your sessions.

Call him. All his contact information is here.

Bill is a great facilitator and has an outstanding process. It is an exciting, fun, and extremely effective way for problem-solving teams to work. It has rewarded me richly.

Robert A. Rightmire,
Former Director
SOHIO Corporate Research

Expert facilitation is one of the most leveraged ways to create breakthrough solutions and very large economic gains.

Ron Richards, President

Cavas’s techniques constituted an important competitive differentiator, in the founding and growth of our company — from $500,000 in revenue with 15 consultants to $540,000,000 and 1,800 professionals over a period of 21 years, a compound annual growth rate of 39%...

CEO of one of fastest-growing, US-based multinational service businesses

Your facilitator makes those imprinting first decisions with you. He’s then the catalyst who causes your people to come up with a wealth of ideas and transform them into breakthroughs that are practical and actionable.

So why settle for anyone less than the best in the world?

After all, your biggest cost is not the facilitator’s fee, nor even the time of your people. Indeed, the biggest cost is opportunity cost—to not find a solution and be dominated by a competitor, or fail to find the breakthrough that could have multiplied your profits, your growth, and your immunity to competition.

Two world-class facilitators have the best skills and track record: Bill Cope and Cavas Gobhai.

Both were principals at Synectics, a fountainhead of methods to develop new ideas with giant economic gains. And they’ve spent the last 35 years expanding those methods.

They both lead their sessions personally, not delegating to juniors. Many times they’ve led sessions together. And out of mutual regard, they sometimes recommend each other to clients.

Bill Cope

Bill has been a professional meeting facilitator and solution catalyst for 35 years.

He has led over 1000 sessions, working with over 250 of the Fortune 500 companies.

Before establishing his own practice in 1981, Bill was a principal in the then-prestigious Synectics, Inc., which was a fountainhead of methods for innovation with giant economic gains. He’s spent the last 35 years expanding on those methods.

In his last 3 years at Synectics, all of Bill’s clients insisted on working with him.

Before then, he taught courses at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

He taught executives at the Banff Management Center for 25 years.

Cavas Gobhai

Cavas has spent 35 years on assignments ranging from enterprise-wide strategy to high-creativity tasks.

He has worked with several thousand people in senior executive teams from large US and international companies.

He also works with entrepreneurial teams in high-potential ventures including non profit organizations such as towns, educational institutions, and international non-government organizations.

While he was President of Synectics, Inc. he was instrumental in the development of many creative problem-solving techniques known as Synectics techniques.

Also Revealing

Bill & Cavas reveal some of their keys to great sessions.

What your participants see, hear, feel, and think in a Solution Session.